Download the Club Bulletin for meeting 937 here.
From Acting President Colin Hill:
I was very pleased to fill in as President at today’s meeting for Mina Ward who is sunning herself in the UK. Actually better weather in London than here – min of 13 degrees C and max of 18 degrees C. Mind you it is the end of summer!
As decided at the last Board meeting, one Tuesday morning per month will be devoted to Committee meetings rather than a guest speaker and lively chat, and last Tuesday was the first of those where those present split into one group for the Halloween night, and another to discuss a Magill Traders’ Night. There were worthwhile outcomes from both discussion groups.
John Kennedy has unfortunately found himself in the RAH but was expecting to be transferred to the Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre on Thursday 10 September. He is looking forward to receiving many visitors during his stay.
From Mina Ward:
- It appears Minnie Mouse is on a new adventure…….(see below).
- A reminder – subs are due 30th September, see Carol if you need details.
- RC Eastwood has released details about their next business breakfast meeting on Wednesday 21st October. The Guest speaker is The Right Honourable, The Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Martin Haese. Visit:
- A reminder to purchase your tickets for the Joint Group 7 Dinner on 14th October – either on trybooking or give the cash to Carol.
- There is a fund raiser being held at the Regal Theatre on October 25th for Australian Rotary Health. The movie is Bridge of Spies – details are on our club website.