Download the Club Bulletin for meeting 1010 here.

Download your copy of upcoming club events here.

From President Kirsty Stark:

We had a light turnout at this week’s meeting and took the opportunity to all enjoy breakfast around one table, and catch up on what’s happening in everyone’s lives. Jeff Neale from Campbelltown Rotary joined us for the meeting, and we touched on several recent and upcoming events, ahead of our Wednesday Board Meeting.

Thanks also to Leonie and David; in addition to their breakfast spread. They provided buttered Hot Cross Buns for our last meeting before Easter. We hope you have a Happy Birthday on 20th April Leonie, which you also share with Carol McKenzie – Happy Birthday, Carol!

Lucky Lindsay

Lindsay put a stop to the Lucky Card Jackpot going any further and cashed in on 3 weeks accumulated prizes.

Upcoming Club Events

Don’t forget to download your copy of upcoming club events, which covers our activities for the rest of the Rotary Year.

Marie’s Quiz Night

If you are available to assist with set up or pack down for Marie’s Quiz Night on May 6th, please let me know! Set up is from 2pm and pack down will be directly after the quiz night finishes (around 9:30pm or 10pm).

The Quiz Night will be held on Saturday May 6, in conjunction with Norwood Rotary.

Roles will include setting up, keeping track of scores, running games, selling raffle tickets, etc. May 6th at the Hungarian Club, Osmond Terrace, Norwood.

The event is being organised by our amazing 16 year old German exchange student Marie, with all proceeds going to Shelterbox disaster relief. Book a table of 8-10 or ask us to place you on a table.

No Meeting for the Next Two Weeks

Following our decision not to meet after Monday Public Holidays, we now have two weeks off for Easter and ANZAC Day (which falls on a Tuesday), Our next meeting will be 2nd of May.

However, if you would like to attend a meeting next week, Kent Town has an excellent speaker on Tuesday the 18th of April. Liberty from the Adelaide Zoo (who was at our Networking evening last week) will be talking about the work she is doing with emu-wrens, after having the assistance of Murray Bridge Rotary Club.

Check out more information here: and if any members would be interested in joining Kent Town next Tuesday, please let Carolyn know: [email protected] or 0419 524 031.

The meeting is 6:15pm for a 6.30pm start at The Kent Town Hotel, Kent Town.

Weekly Challenge

Eat Plenty of Chocolate (toughie, but you can do it)! All the best for Easter.

Download the Club Bulletin for meeting 1010 here.

Download your copy of upcoming club events here.