Download the Bulletin for Meeting 1037 here.
Download our Club Supporter List here.
From President Ian Coat:
Susan Gascoine gave us a brief on the status of our HANDS ON project. We are currently booked into the Firle Shopping Centre Atrium on Sat 5th May from 11am – 3pm. Lina Sweeny (RC Seaford) will be coordinating their construction. We have 4 confirmed purchasers of Hands with Paradise Motors (2), Enva Financial Services (2), with one still outstanding; Mark T is still working on it. We thank those businesses for supporting this venture. At Firle, we will be making five hands and are checking if we can get at least two hands made by local students. Susan has confirmed we are permitted to sell raffle tickets for the sunrise market garden raffle and use collection tins for Rotary projects.
Sick List
Kirsty will be keeping a low profile for the next few weeks after having contracted a serious notifiable strain of flu on her travels to Europe recently and then topping it off with several other nasty conditions at the same time. After landing in Sydney, she was rushed to the local hospital and effectively quarantined for six days while they tried to stabilise her. All of us wish Kirsty a speedy recovery.
Mark has struck down by a serious case of man flu and is taking things quietly so that he can be in peak form for the Rotary Conference later in the week. NOTE: Mark’s version is that he had a sinus infection.
Board Meeting Update
The key points from our recent Board meeting were:
- The Board has agreed to pay an initial amount of $500 to the Zaidi ya Dreams orphanage in Kenya and follow this up with another donation at the upcoming talk from Yasmine on the 4th April.
- On a sad note, I announced that our recent inductee, Romeo, has resigned from the Club. Romeo has recognised that his time and energy need to be devoted elsewhere. He is keen a be kept abreast of our activities and help-out where he can.
Market Update
Greg told us that our market last weekend was a good one. We discovered we had received high praise from a local review website, Weekend Notes ( revisited). That may have contributed to the higher number of people through our market. The key stall we still need is a fruit and veg stall. So, if you know of anyone keen to sell at a boutique market, contact Greg through the Magill Sunrise Market Facebook page.
- Rotary Club of Magill Sunrise – “Bumper Garden Raffle”
You could win this quality garden trolley filled with gardening goodies to make your gardening life SOOOOO much simpler!! Tickets will be $2.50 each and the raffle runs until Sunday May 13th where it will be drawn at our Mother’s Day Market. Contact Greg through the Magill Sunrise Market Facebook for ticket books.
Rotary Magill Sunrise holds an art and craft market in the carpark of the Campbelltown Library on the 2nd Sunday of the month (excluding July) from 8am – 12 noon. Our next market will be on 8th April. Check us out on Facebook.
Bunnings BBQ
Sue Hector thanked everyone who has been helping out with the Bunnings BBQs – especially the regular helpers.
Footy Tipping Payments
Lindsay announced that District Footy Tipping is now open for business. Payment of the $20 can be made to the Club Account
BSB:105141 Account: 043099140 (Magill Rotary) Reference: FOOTY [your name]
The dedication and support to Cystic Fibrosis (CF) by Susan and Chris Gascoine is unquestionable. So, when RC Adelaide Parks advertised a fund-raising breakfast for CF, they were definitely going to be there. The Club has agreed that we will have our formal club meeting at their breakfast to be held on Tue 1st May 7am- 9am. Tickets ($40) can be found from breakfast
Weekly Challenge
Don’t eat too much chocolate this Easter, or at least make sure its extra dark chocolate. I have heard that stuff is healthy!!!
Next Meeting
Our next meeting will be a joint meeting with RC Norwood at their meeting on the evening of Wednesday 3rd April, 6pm for a 6:30 start at the Kensington Hotel where we will hear from Yasmine about Zaidi ya Dreams Orphanage in Kenya.
Upcoming Events
- Mar 23-25: District Conference at Tanunda
- Wed 4th April, (1038) Joint Rotary meeting at the Kensington Hotel hearing about a Kenyan Orphanage
- Tues 10th April: Our guest speaker is Izabella Carson, our NYSF attendee earlier this year
- Tues 1st May: (1040) Away meeting at RC Adelaide Parks to hear about Cystic Fibrosis
- Sat 5th May: 11am – 3pm. Hands On construction in Firle Shopping Centre