Download the Club Bulletin for meeting 1000 here.
From President Kirsty Stark:
Our Thousandth Meeting! What a fantastic achievement for Magill Sunrise Rotary Club, and a great chance for us all to celebrate at our Tuesday meeting. Thank you to all guests who attended, including DG Sam Camporeale, Lee Camporeale, AG Don Will, Alan & Judy Cushway representing Morialta, Jeff Neale representing Campbelltown, guest entertainer Jarrod Hoare and our exchange student Marie Hermanns.
We began the meeting by reading out a lovely message from Rita and Trevor Stirling, who congratulated us on the club’s achievements over the past 1000 meetings and 22 years. Happy Dollars gave us all an opportunity to reflect on some of our favourite club moments. We were then led to breakfast by the three club charter members in attendance – Pauline Hill, Graham Holcroft and Bronwyn Hyder.
After breakfast, we presented Club Stalwart, Bronwyn Hyder with a gift from the club to thank her for her years of service, and say a proper farewell, as she moved away from the big smoke over the Christmas break. We hope we’ll be seeing you whenever you’re able to make it back to Adelaide, Bron!
Our guest entertainer (“speaker” just doesn’t describe it!) for the week was Jarrod Hoare. Jarrod is a performing artist who specialises in Japanese Comic Theatre and storytelling – kyogen and rakugo. We were treated to two of his short tales – all performed solely by him using voice, language and body positioning to change characters, as well as an explanation of the craft. It was fascinating, especially to see how much we could understand despite half of the performance being in Japanese. Thanks so much Jarrod!
We wrapped up the meeting with a club photograph, celebratory “Rotary” cupcakes with blue and yellow icing, and the drawing of the $5 card game, which I was lucky enough to win this week! Editor’s Note: the ‘so called’ lucky card was drawn by the President’s Friend Jarrod Hoare. Just say’n.
1000 Meals at Hutt Street Centre
Thanks again to all who attended. To further mark the occasion of our 1,000th meeting, we will be serving One Thousand Meals to the homeless at the Hutt Street Centre next week.
Secret River Carpark Marshalling
If anyone plans to assist with the carpark marshalling for “Secret River” at the Adelaide Festival and does not yet have their traffic marshalling qualification, the details of the mandatory training/briefing session are as follows: Wednesday 8 February 2017 at 6.30 pm at the City of Campbelltown Civic Centre Montacute Rd Rostrevor.
Thanks, and have a great weekend!