Download the Bulletin for Meeting 1045 here.

Download our Club Supporter List here.

From President Ian Coat:

We welcomed DG Bob Cooper who popped in unannounced, catching us off guard. Bob was unable to make it to our changeover brunch this weekend, so he attended our meeting instead. His attendance was both welcome and very timely, given the subject of our Club Assembly was the creation of new District 9510. Siony (an apology today) celebrated her birthday during the past week. We welcome back Ian and Julie Carman after spending time in Dubbo with family and while in Dubbo Ian supported the Rotary Club of Dubbo with their catering for the City of Dubbo Eisteddfod. But Ian and Julie both picked up a bug upon their return that had laid them low. Editor’s Comment: you take your chances when you let your grandchildren blow out the candles on any birthday cake and then participate in the eating. In addition to Siony, Colin, Pauline and Sue are also apologies.

Proposed Merger of Districts 9500 and 9520

Bob and I outlined some of the background that is driving the creation of District 9510 and some of the challenges that will arise in trying the administer almost 100 clubs spread across five States and Territories, and vast expanse of land. The new District also creates new opportunities. The District Steering committee has developed what is referred to as the Objective Tree. There are three key objectives that are being addressed: Structure, Communications and Membership. There are a number of very important areas that the committee would like to get feedback on. These include the proposed creation of Areas within the District, through which some of District roles and responsibilities may be decentralised. The information is available at the website: . I commend that you take a look at this website and review the current proposal. The Steering Committee is very keen to hear your thoughts. I have included a list of Focus Questions from the 9510 website into this Bulletin.

President’s Notices

  • We have a seat at the Campbelltown Council Youth Advisory Committee (YAC). As Ian Carman is stepping down from the position, Siony Gardiner has agreed to return to the role. Her nomination from the Club has been sent to the Council.
  • I attended a most interesting event on the Workshop hosted by RC Norwood and in partnership with The University of Adelaide on the theme of 3D Printing, Entrepreneurship & Design Thinking. I managed to design and print a USB key cover on the day.
  • We are very close to achieving the status for the Rotary Club Citation. We have done all the good work, but just need to get it reported into MyRotary in the correct format for it to be recognised. In the interim, the MyRotary website has crashed; grrrrrrr!. Hopefully it will be up and running soon.
  • As the new Rotary year ticks over we will be transitioning to Xero, out new account management software. Given the amount of preparatory work that Chris and others have been putting in, I look forward to seeing this gleaming new tool. Even better since I am also the incoming Treasurer – so I get to play with it.
  • Due to work commitments, Greg was unable to provide a brief on the market. But I feel it was a good day, especially since we sold all of our food!
  • Chris Gascoine takes over the reins as President next Sunday at Wholly Belly (Magill Road) on Sun 24th June from 10am for 10:30 AM. Please contact him for a late confirmation of your attendance.

Next Market – July 8th

Rotary Magill Sunrise holds an art and craft market in the carpark of the Campbelltown Library on the 2nd Sunday of the month from 8am – 12 noon. Our next market will be on 8th July (Mother’s Day)
Check us out on Facebook:

Remember, we will be running a new bookstall at the next market, so rummage through the bookshelves and video draws and donate something to sell.


Entertainment Books

A reminder also that Entertainment Books are available. They can be bought through Lindsay or online (, with proceeds going to our Club.

Download the Bulletin for Meeting 1045 here.

Download our Club Supporter List here.