Download the Bulletin for Meeting 1047 here.

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From President Chris Gascoine:

It has been commented that our Changeover Brunch at Wholly Belly was a fairly laid-back affair. And so too was my organisation for my first meeting as your President for 2018-2019. However, the Club Assembly that I then chose to have as my first meeting did focus on the serious topics of the merger of Districts 9500 and 9520 and on our declining membership.

I hope the beautiful sunrise that greeted our Sunrise Club for my first meeting as President was a harbinger of a great year ahead.

Rotary 9500 and 9520 Merger

In regard to the merger, we should each visit the Steering Committee website to keep up with the background papers, discussion papers and blog posts. On the Blog Posts page, if you click on the question immediately under RECENT POSTS, you can read comments already made as well as leave your own comment for input into these important discussions.

Kirsty mentioned that she had sent a suggestion to various leaders in Rotary, and one requested it specifically to pass it on to the steering committee. We will follow-up on that to make sure that she is heard.


From a high of 31 members when Julie Carman was inducted on 13 March 2012, our membership has halved to only 15 active members at the end of the 2017-2018 year. It is time for us to have a seriously hard look at where we are, and where we are going. More on this topic in the near future.

Barry Rassin: Incoming President of R.I.

For an extract from Barry Rassin’s Speech as Incoming President of Rotary International, please download the full Bulletin for Meeting 1047.

Download the Bulletin for Meeting 1047 here.

Download our Club Supporter List here.