Download the Bulletin for Meeting 1053 here.
Download our Club Supporter List here.
From President Chris Gascoine:
At our last meeting we welcomed DG Kim Harvey with husband Paul and AG David Jones. Graham Holcroft, John Kennedy, and Carol McKenzie offered their apologies.
District Governor Visit
DG Kim Harvey presented the priorities of RI President Barry Rassin and of District 9520 Leadership Team for this Rotary Year. It begins with the exhortation to “Take the LEAP into Leadership” with LEAP, the pneumonic for Love, Enthusiasm, Audacity and Proof.
The four priorities for RI are:
- Maintain focus on the eradication of Polio and increase awareness of Rotary’s role in this campaign
- Engage young leaders
- Care for the Environment – and Rotary’s responsibility therein
- Focus on a positive experience for all Rotarians
The three areas of focus for the District are:
- Support and Strengthen Clubs
- Focus and Increase Humanitarian Service
- Enhance Public Image and Awareness
We are leaders who act responsibly and take action to tackle some of the world’s most pressing challenges.
“Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.”
GSE Team
The incoming GSE team from will be here from 12th March to 9th April 2019, and the Outgoing GSE team to will be away from 31st March to 28th April.
Magill Sunrise Market
Rotary Magill Sunrise hosts an art and craft market in the carpark of the Campbelltown Library on the 2nd Sunday of the month from 8am – 12 noon. This month’s market clashed with the last day of the Royal Adelaide Show. Our new stall (books and DVDs is now up and running).
Kirsty and Ian are pictured with Joe who won the raffle along with Deputy Mayor Jill Whittaker.
Check us out on Facebook:
Dutch Pancakes are a big hit, so tell your friends!
Thoughts for the Week
#1 If you’re over 30, you were alive before every dog in the world. (anon.)
#2 It’s a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often will get it. (Somerset Maugham)
Upcoming Events
- 11th September. Club meeting. Kirsty chairing, preparing for our key club events.
- 19th September. Dinner meeting at the home of President Chris to formulate our plan for this year.
- 23rd September. Assistance at the “Barossa Great Strides” event for Cystic Fibrosis SA
- 5th to 7th April 2019. District Conference — Broken Hill