Download the Bulletin for Meeting 1058 here.
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From Vice President Mark Thompson:
Siony, Sue and President Chris offered their apologies. Kirsty was another apology due to competing interests with her career in movie production. One day we will be able to say, ‘We knew her when….’. Well done Kirsty.
As Club Vice President it was my honour to sub in for President Chris, while he and Sue are off to pastures greener for 3 weeks. I hope that I was able to maintain the level of dignity that befits the position:
Millennium Memories
Julie Carman led a light-hearted session in lieu of a guest speaker which she called Millennium Memories. Club members were allocated 2 minutes to recall what they were doing at the time of the Millennium as well as including any dreams and aspirations that they had at the beginning of the new millennium. Hey, I never ceased to be amazed at learning something new about a member that we’ve known for years. It even turned out that Greg was a visiting technician at a location where Colin worked full time, a fact that they only learned at the meeting. What a great idea Julie; thank you.
Another Successful Market
Greg reported that we facilitated another successful art and craft market in the carpark of the Campbelltown Library last Sunday. Well done to all who helped out and how lucky were we to beat the storm/high winds that hit later that afternoon.
Leonie: Back Room / Kitchen Champion
Leonie and son David make breakfast happen each meeting. Thank you both.