Download the Bulletin for Meeting 1066 here.
Download our Club Supporter List here.
Siony, Colin, Pauline and Lindsay offered their apologies for today’s meeting.
No guest speaker as it was the AGM for 2017-2018. The Minutes of the AGM have been sent separately to all club members.
Tuesday’s meeting #1066 was coincidental with a famous date in English History and my family history; William the Conqueror’s victory at the Battle of Hastings, and the beginning of the end to the Saxon World in England. The Gascoines (which ever way you want to spell it) were part of the conquest and were on the receiving end of William’s generosity.
I have provided a picture of an ancestor from around that time, who bears a striking resemblance. Editor’s Note: Sorry Chris.

Recent Notices
- Chris and Graham worked with RC Norwood at the Bunnings Mile End BBQ on 18th Jan for an addition of $194 to the club’s fundraising account. (It was a somewhat slower day than on 28th Dec.)
- 24 Jan (Thu) — Susan’s birthday
Upcoming Events
- 6 Feb (Wed) — RC Norwood will be holding a “Rotary Information Session” at the Kensington Hotel, 23 Regent Street, Kensington, on Wednesday 6th February from 6pm to 8pm, and have invited the other clubs of Group 7 to join them.
- 02 Feb (sun) — BBQ at Wayne & Christine Abbott’s, Victor Harbor
- 05 Feb (tue) — Kirsty’s Short Movie Premiere at Wallace Mitcham (club members have received a link to book online)
- 28 Mar to 04 Apr — Conference Bicycle Ride, from the Ocean to the Outback 636km from Victor Harbor to Broken Hill,
a fundraiser for Australian Rotary Health, 7 days of riding, 1 rest day, averaging 90km per day — easy!! - We have been asked about hosting the District 6040 GSE Team (from Missouri USA) at a breakfast meeting sometime shortly before the District Conference05-07 Apr — District Conference at Broken
Thought for the Week
A Rotarian is someone who, through their efforts:
- Digs wells from which they will never drink
- Restores eyesight for those they will never see
- Builds houses they will never live in
- Vaccinates children they will never meet
- Plants trees they will never sit under
- Educates children they will never know